Source Name Brands In Bulk.

Discover the ultimate destination for savvy shoppers and resellers seeking unbeatable deals on authentic name-brand apparel, shoes, and accessories. Explore our vast selection of closeouts, liquidations, and excess inventories at 70-90% off retail.

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General Merchandise

Apparel, shoes, general merchandise, and more from popular brands and retailers.

Experience the best of both worlds by sourcing authentic name-brands and emerging artisan boutique labels through our trusted network. We've established direct relationships with top brands and in-demand retailers, allowing you to tap into their latest collections and trends.

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Our Small Boxes

Are you just starting out as a reseller or looking for a flexible way to supplement your sales? Our small box assortments are perfect for part-time sellers like you. With volumes ranging from 10 to 100 pieces, these smaller batches offer the ideal way to sample inventory, test demand, and maximize profit.

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As a seasoned reseller, you know the value of buying in bulk. With our pallet purchases: you'll enjoy significant discounts on already discounted items, allowing you to maximize your profits and stay ahead of the competition.

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Whether you need a large quantity of new products or are looking to stock up on essentials, our bulk purchases provide the greatest discount off our regular prices. We're proud to be a one-stop shop for all your needs, and we're confident that our bulk purchasing options will meet your expectations.

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Join the circular economy movement!

Did you know that over 18 million tons of textile waste end up in landfills each year? By upcycling like-new clothing, not only are you reducing your environmental footprint but also creating a new revenue stream. Turn old clothes into new opportunities and be part of the solution to a more sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What brands do you carry?

We feature a curated selection of like-new clothing from popular retailers that often carry a range of similar brands. The product description for each listing will generally indicate a retailer or specific brands that you can expect to find.

What is the condition of the items?

We provide detailed information on each product listing, where you'll see designations such as:

  • NWT (new with tags): Items that are brand new, still with their original tags attached.
  • NWOT (new without tags): Similar to NWT, but the tags have already been removed.
  • Returns: Items that were previously returned by the manufacturer or retailer and are now being resold.
  • Damaged: Items that have visible damage or defects.

We strive to provide accurate and detailed descriptions to help you make an informed purchasing decision. If you're still unsure about the condition of a specific item, feel free to ask us for clarification.

Are all the brands you sell authentic?

Yes, we're committed to selling 100% authentic products that are sourced directly from the original retailers or authorized distributors.

Where does your merchandise ship from?

We ship all of our merchandise directly from our headquarters in Fullerton, CA. This allows us to provide fast and reliable shipping options for our customers. If an item is not sourced from us, we'll make sure to clearly indicate this in the product description so you can expect it to be shipped from a different location.

Looking to liquidate? Sell to us.

We'll help you liquidate your overproductions, excess inventories, returns, etc.